“There is a lot of discussion about models for the reception of migrants in Europe: I believe that the Italian model of inclusion of immigrants can be defined as adoptive“. This is what was said by Daniela Pompei, in charge of the immigration for he Community of Sant’Egidio and one of those who implemented the “humanitarian corridors”, in the panel about “Migrants and integration” which was held today at Assisi in the framework of the conference “Thirst for peace”.
According to Pompei “Italy has in its history the tradition of the adoption of children, both nationally and internationally. Nevertheless, for more than 35 years this same “adoptive” model has already bore fruit on immigration issues”. In her view, an adoptive integration system was born, given that “more than half of the immigrants (who are mostly women) entered the homes of Italian families, and have been working with the elderly, with children, with our persons with disabilities. Therefore they have entered the heart of culture and families. ”
According to the Sant’Egidio executive we have to invest on this model in order to allow for greater development.
Pompei – with facts and figures – shows that the school environment is the second most important place in which the integration occurs: “I do not mean that there aren’t any problems. There is still a lot to do. But it seems to me – she said – that after all, this approach was fruitful. ”
“The adoptive model – said Daniela Pompei – involved the civil society, as we could see after the death of the little Aylan Kurdi last year.”
“As Community of Sant’Egidio – she concluded – we have experienced this year welcoming refugees through the humanitarian corridors. Many people, including individuals, families, associations, entrepreneurs and parishes have contacted us to offer welcoming, houses, human support. Integration can work well if there is a civil society that sustains it. “