
Visit from Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia

The Community of Sant’Egidio gathered in New York for a prayer presided by Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia in the beautiful Church of Our Savior where the Community has been serving dinner to our homeless friends for a several months. Our friends from the street and many of those who help us in our weekly food distribution joined in a beautiful fraternal moment.

Still feeling the effects of the pandemic and of the cold winter, it is a particularly difficult time for the homeless in New York. . In addition, the City’s administration is pushing our friends away from the places where they could gather and find shelter. The occasion of prayer all together was a witness of the solidarity we want to build and the call to follow Jesus with his words of peace especially “in this hour.”  As Monsignor Paglia said: “The world from a young age tells us to think of ourselves, but Jesus today tells us to think of others.”