
The #JubileeofChildren with Youth for Peace: This is why living with compassion makes us happy!

Hundreds of young people all in Rome these days for the Jubilee of Children, gathered in a tent in the Piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere to hear the testimony of the Youth for Peace on the works of mercy to which it is dedicated: providing lodging for pilgrims and consoling the afflicted. Youth for Peace […]


Solidarity for Life – No to Violent Deaths

A long term campaign by the Community of Sant’Egidio, for a violence free America to stop the easy and improper use of guns, started in the year of mercy. The number of deaths and the spread of violence in our country urges us to act both personally and collectively: one person at a time, one gesture at […]


At the Beginning of the Year, A March against Indifference and for Peace in all lands in the year 2016

In more than 800 cities, the new year will be inaugurated with a step in the right direction: towards Peace in All Lands “I care! ” Was the message picked up by thousands of people this morning who have joined the Community of Sant’Egidio in a Peace March; expressing their support for Pope Francis’s message […]