
The spirit of Assisi reaches Unites States: 5th meeting for peace of Sant’Egidio in Notre Dame University #peaceispossible

new-york-pace-4One week to talk of prayer, poor and peace. Round tables on environment, global poverty, death penalty. Hundreds of youth involved

The 5th American Meeting for Peace has just concluded at the University o

f Notre Dame. The spirit of Assisi has blown all the way from Tirana to Indiana and connected us to the larger network of world events.

This year the American meeting lasted an entire week around prayer, the poor, and peace, drawing upon the invitation of Pope Francis to Sant’Egidio last year.




There were round tables on environment, global poverty, and death penalty.

There were also a plenary panel with international speakers drawing upon their experiences as peacemakers and an ecumenical prayer service for Peace in All Land in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart.

These beautiful events touched hundreds of students throughout the university, as well as people from the city of South Bend, who all shared in the vision that Peace is Always Possible!new-york-pace-1
