
The #JubileeofChildren with Youth for Peace: This is why living with compassion makes us happy!

giubileo-ragazzi-home-page (1)Hundreds of young people all in Rome these days for the Jubilee of Children, gathered in a tent in the Piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere to hear the testimony of the Youth for Peace on the works of mercy to which it is dedicated: providing lodging for pilgrims and consoling the afflicted.

Youth for Peace of the Community of Sant’Egidio spoke of their friendship with the elderly in many Roman institutions, a friendship that can console the lonely and give hope to those who have none. The story of welcoming refugees seeking peace through humanitarian corridors project has aroused emotion and prayers for peace. They gave an enthusiastic witness that living with compassion makes you happy, just as Pope Francis had told the group before their meeting.


Many young people came to the tent, wanted to concretely live a work of mercy. Some have visited the soup kitchen for the poor where they were able to encounter the stories and faces of so many men and women fled their countries in search of peace and future. Stories of lives marked by poverty and marginalization that the Community helps find shelter and friendship.

A special meeting was the one with the elderly. They discovered that the friendship is a friendship that frees energies and ideas to build a more human city, a city where there is room for everyone.

In the tent of Mercy there emerged many new ideas: thoughts for peace, for the end of every war, for the elderly and the sick were born. Young pilgrims wanted to leave a prayer and a commitment.

“I pray for all Syrians who live every day live through hard times”, “I pray for all the refugees, because we can help them live a better life”, “I think it is important to console those who are alone and I promise that I will go to visit the elderly” are some of the phrases and prayers left in the tent during the visit.

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