
Jubilee of the Disabled: “We too can help so many”. The gift of Gli Amici to Pope Francis

Today was concluded with the liturgy celebrated by Pope Francis, the Jubilee for the sick and disabled people. From June 10 to 12 thousands of people participated in pilgrimages to the Holy Doors and the catechetical meetings, including the Saturday morning conference entitled: “And You Will Always Eat at my Table” (2 Sam 9.1 to […]


Richard Gere at the Table for the Poor of Sant’Egidio: “I am honored to be here, where people take care of other people”

Smiles, handshakes, autographs, and much applause for Richard Gere, who the afternoon of June 9 presented his new film, “Time Out of Mind,” at the soup kitchen of the Community of Sant’Egidio, which was transformed into a theater packed with around a hundred homeless, volunteers, and photographers. The actor, welcomed by the president of the […]


The #JubileeofChildren with Youth for Peace: This is why living with compassion makes us happy!

Hundreds of young people all in Rome these days for the Jubilee of Children, gathered in a tent in the Piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere to hear the testimony of the Youth for Peace on the works of mercy to which it is dedicated: providing lodging for pilgrims and consoling the afflicted. Youth for Peace […]


Jubilee of Children: Sant’Egidio opens its doors to a concrete experience of mercy for young people

In the year of the Jubilee of Mercy, Pope Francis invited young people between 13 to 16 in Rome for the Jubilee of Children held from April 23 to April 25. There will be a tent in seven squares in the historic center of Rome, each one dedicated to one of the spiritual and corporal […]


Greeting of Marco Impagliazzo at the end of the liturgy for the 48th anniversary of the Community of Sant’Egidio

Rome, February 4, 2016 Basilica of St. John Lateran Buonasera! Dear friends, because this is the best way for us of the Community to touch the lives of all of you here with us tonight, in this day of great joy, I would like to thank all of you on behalf of the Community for […]